Arabic Language Courses
learn Arabic online for adults & children
This course is designed for those people who like learning Arabic online and speak it. You don’t need to go out of your home anymore. You can choose one of our four Arabic courses to start the best journey for learning Arabic online.
“Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand“. (Al-
Zukhruf 43:3)
:our courses devided into
- Kids arabic course
- Egyptian dialect
- classical arabic
- Advnced arabic studies
online kids arabic course
This is a great way for learning Arabic online for kids. Young learners begin by learning Arabic alphabet, and then learn to speak Arabic through situations that relate to their age. They take stories and interesting puzzles that revolve around important topics such as: jobs, colors, numbers, food ..etc
online classical arabic course
All non-Arab Muslims should learn Arabic. So that they can establish their daily prayers, recite the Holy Quran, make daily supplications and grasp the beauty of the divine verses. In this course, students will learn the standard Arabic language; the Arabic of the Quran. When students learn classical Arabic (Fusha), they will be able to communicate with any Arab speaker from any different Arab country and understand Islam deeply.
online Egyptian dialect
The Egyptian dialect is the most commonly understood dialect in the Arab world. This course is perfect for those looking to travel to Arabic speaking countries. Egyptian native tutors will teach this course, with a great ability to teach Egyptian Arabic perfectly to anyone who is eager to learn colloquial Arabic
advanced arabic course
The complete study of Advanced Arabic Studies involves several sciences, reading (?????), writing (???????), grammar (???), morphology (???), rhetoric (?????), poetry (????) ..etc. If you want to reach advanced levels in speaking and reading the Arabic language, you definitely need “Advanced Arabic Studies course” . This course is suitable for high school or college students who have experience in Arabic and want to study Arabic deeply.
Our learning Arabic online syllabus is divided into 4 components. They are 4 skills of learning any language in the world.
1- Reading
2- Writing
3- Listening
4- Speaking
reading, writing, speaking and listening the four foundational skills of language learning.
You can’t build a house without a strong foundation (well, that’s if you want the house to stay upright in all weather!). Similarly, you won’t become a well-rounded speaker of a language without building upon the four foundations of language learning.
The skills work in pairs. When you’re reading or listening, you’re consuming a language.
However, when you’re writing or speaking, you’re producing a language.
Once you’ve mastered these skills, you can safely say that you’re fluent in that language.
According to SIL International (1999). The four
basic skills are related to each other by two parameters:
the mode of communication: oral or written
the direction of communication: receiving or
producing the message